Hello fellow adventurers of life’s golden years! Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Raelene Thornton

My photo
Banning, CA
Greetings, dear readers, and prepare yourself for a hearty chuckle as you step into “Life’s Golden Years; My observations of retirement community living.” I’m Raelene Thornton Kretchman, your resident observer as we set sail through the tranquil waters of retirement living, After decades of grooving to the corporate beat in bustling America, retirement has whisked me away on a new adventure-one brining with camaraderie, contemplation, and indomitable spirit of community living. Who would’ve thought this aging hippie would swap tie-dye for tranquility. This blog isn’t just a window; it’s a magnifying glass into the world of retirement straight from the heart of a senior community. Whether you’re on the precipice of retirement, luxuriating in these golden years, or merely curious about the quirks of retirement in a senior community, you’ve stumbled upon your digital sanctuary. Welcome.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

What Keeps Me Up At Night!

I’ve been losing sleep, and my heart aches for our country. Never in my lifetime, nor in Grandma Thelma's, have we seen such division and hatred—especially among family, friends, and neighbors—simply for holding differing opinions. She longs for a time when respect was the norm, even when we disagreed. People helped one another in times of need, not just stood by, recording and sharing the worst moments on social media. Communities, churches, and neighbors looked after the homeless and those in need.

I believe we are witnessing a decay of conscience, integrity, and morality. What troubles me most is hearing people referred to as "Hitler" or "Nazi." This is horrific beyond words. Hitler and the Nazi party committed mass murder on an unimaginable scale, over 6 million Jewish people were killed.

To label anyone in this way is vile and hurtful, yet these insults are casually used under the guise of free speech. The media and political candidates use this language, and it's unconscionable to me. Bullying and name-calling have no place in our society or politics, but it’s becoming the norm and seeping into our personal lives and local government.

We seem to have lost the ability to think for ourselves. We’re told who to hate, and we follow like sheep, attacking anyone with a different opinion. This nastiness has even infiltrated our local elections—people resort to lies and personal attacks just to silence those they disagree with. I don’t have all the answers, but I fear for our country. Our freedoms and way of life are at stake. We’re a nation built on immigration, but the current situation is unsustainable, both morally and financially. This isn’t about party affiliation; it’s about the survival of our nation.

I’m disillusioned with both parties. My grandson has an interesting take on our two-party system, and he’s not wrong—it seems doomed to fail. The corruption we see today is a result of power-hungry politicians who no longer care about serving the people; they’re only interested in re-election.

What keeps me awake at night is the fear that our elections are no longer fair. The drive to win has led to cheating, and the idea that someone who thinks they're a citizen can vote legally is absurd. America was blessed because we were founded on religious freedom, but now that is under attack too. People chant anti-Israel sentiments and spew hatred, all while claiming it’s their right under free speech.

But my faith is stronger than ever, and I pray that God is watching over us. I pray that people will think for themselves and not just follow the one-sided narratives pushed by the media. In 2025, for better or worse we’ll find out where this country is headed.

A country divided cannot stand, but I believe in the goodness that still exists in the hearts of many. We must find a way to come together, to respect each other once more, and to rebuild the moral foundation that made America great. My hope and prayer are that we can rediscover our shared humanity before it’s too late.


Sunday, May 12, 2024

The Evolution of Mom: From Band-Aids to Grandkids and All the Mayhem in Between!


The Not so scientific definition of Mom: The dictionary tries its best, defining a "mother" with all the warmth of a medical textbook: a female parent, a woman who gives birth, raises a child, or donates her eggs. Thanks for the romance, Webster!

To me, a mother is someone blessed with the superpower of raising tiny humans—whether they spring from her loins or dance into her life some other way. I've got a son and a daughter, and there’s a bittersweet saying that goes, "A daughter is a daughter for life, a son is a son until he takes a wife." It sounds cynical, but as they morph from your mini-mes into full-fledged adults, it really feels that way.

The Selective Memory of Motherhood: I remember when my kids were just rugrats—crawling, walking, talking, and eventually pedaling into the sunset without training wheels. Letting them leave the nest was like sending my heart through a paper shredder.

Every mom develops a sixth sense, but did you know we also get an automatic filter that spares us from half the mischief our kids get into? It's a godsend. Imagine if we knew everything. The horror. Just knowing the half-truths about their growing up adventures is enough to give me more gray hairs (if thats possible).

Time Flies when you’re losing sleep: Now, in a blink, they’re all grown up and bringing up their own little chaos agents. I've graduated to a grandmother and a great-grandmother, which basically means I've earned a PhD in nostalgia. And just recently, I swelled with pride at a college graduation, marveling at how my daughter and son-in-law are nailing this parenting gig.

Being a grandmother is a whole new ball game. It's love without the heavy lifting—pure, undiluted joy with none of the disciplinary jazz. I mean, can grandparents even see imperfections in their grandkids? Spoiler: Nope, they’re flawless.

A Salute to Moms everywhere:  As we toast mothers today, let’s remember the many hats they wear: healer, listener, mentor, teacher, and the relentless architect of our future neuroses. Cheers to you, Mom, for the never-ending gift of love. Your heart might be tired, but it's never empty!

Friday, May 10, 2024

Exploring the Buzz in Sun Lakes: Remodels, Politics and Generational Divides


The Master Boards Bold Move: Let's explore the latest stirrings in Sun Lakes, centering on the heated remodel of our Restaurant and Lounge and delving into what's really igniting all this commotion. From my vantage point, the heart of the matter lies in our community's diverse demographic mix. Here, retirees and desk-bound warriors alike are making their mark, each bringing a suitcase full of opinions as varied as a painter's palette. The result? A vibrant, if occasionally discordant, blend of voices that never shies away from a lively debate.

Generational Clash at the Dinner Table: Enter stage left: the different generations residing in Sun Lakes. We have the Silent Generation, dignified and nearly a century old, born from 1925 to 1945 – so called because they were raised during a period of war and economic depression, who long for the days of dining out in top hats and tails. Next up, my fellow Baby Boomers from 1945 to 1964, the result of an increase in births following the end of World War II, craving nothing fancier than a good burger and a laugh in their jeans T-shirts and tennis shoes. Then there’s Generation X, from around 1965 to 1976, who are just beginning to retire, the new kids on the block, of which many are still working, and just want a sports bar vibe where they can unwind with some tunes, drinks and pub grub after a day's toil.

As might be expected, everyone's certain their vision for our restaurant and lounge is the ideal one. Compromise? As rare as low cholesterol at a Las Vegas buffet. Thus, we entrust our Master Board to steer us through this generational tug-of-war, hoping they can weave these disparate strands into a cohesive whole. However, once a decision is reached, it's open season—the elected officials quickly become the besieged, bombarded with accusations of a lack of transparency, financial waste, and incompetence. It's similar to a sitcom where everyone's eager to critique but no one steps up to script the next episode.

When the Heat Rises: And when the debates heat up? It becomes less of a community gathering and more a parade of dissatisfaction, where complaining seems to be the local sport. Amidst this chaos, those of us still clinging to sanity decide to tune out the noise, tired of the drama these boors love to stir. They whip the crowd into a frenzy, turning peaceful neighbors into megaphone-wielding lemmings, desperate to be heard.

A Parting Thought: If I had the answers, I'd be the wise sage on the mountaintop, not in the trenches with you.  That said, I shall leave you with a thought from the wisest among us—my 99-year-old mother-in-law: If you haven't got anything nice to say, maybe just enjoy the peace and zip it. We’re retired, living in paradise—let’s not forget to enjoy the view before the credits roll!

“Just when I discovered the meaning of life, they changed it.” …George Carlin


Thursday, May 9, 2024

Back to Blogging: Dodging Drama in Sun Lakes!


Well, it turns out my 'little' blogging sabbatical wasn't so little after all! Why the break? Let's just say I got so wrapped up in Sun Lakes' thrilling dramas that I nearly forgot the joys of witty banter and sassy sign-offs. Returning to blogging feels like dusting off an old digital diary—I just hope I remember the password.

Indeed, my daily activities have evolved into something resembling a full-time job. I'd been actively writing for 'Sun Lakes Life Styles,' covering the Garden Club and the Happy Cookers. I also took on the role of delegate, which surprisingly ate up a good chunk of my time. Additionally, my commitment to various ad hoc and advisory committees had left little space for personal pursuits. I'd become a deeply integrated and active member of the Sun Lakes community, which is rewarding yet incredibly time-consuming.

But wait, there's more! I even delved into the dark underbelly of community politics, supporting a candidate in the race for our Master Board. It was the muddiest campaign in my 11 years here—national politics seem tame in comparison. The preferred weapon? Social media, where lies and vitriol spread like wildfire.

It’s astonishing how even in our peaceful retirement haven, the thirst for power emerges. You’d think after a lifetime of hard work, tranquility would be the goal, yet power remains a seductive mistress. One candidate, a wolf in sheep's clothing, bombarded our board and community with daily emails spreading untruths. Thankfully, our community saw through the facade, though, sadly, another charlatan managed to slip through.

The delegate assembly was equally tumultuous, led by an unethical figure, so  I quickly distanced myself from it. Fortunately, that leader has since been replaced, and the delgate assembly can refocus on Sun Lakes.

The political climate became so toxic that I needed to retreat to my blogging sanctuary. I’m back to the simpler pleasures of life at Sun Lakes, where the toughest campaigns involve choosing quilt colors or cookie shapes.

Welcome back to my cozy corner of the internet—where sarcasm is served with a smile, and everyone's welcome! Unless, of course, you’re here to campaign or complain about Sun Lakes. In that case, brace for a cheeky, swift exit. Here's to reconnecting and sharing many smiles—and perhaps a few eye-rolls!

 …and so, I leave you with my final thought: “I used to think I was indecisive, but now I'm not too sure." Isn’t that perfect for a blogger who's only certain about one thing: uncertainty loves company?