Ok, Ok, yes I have been avoiding blogging. Why? Good question, I think it is because I
have been so stressed out and letting myself worry overmuch about things going
on politically in the US. I find myself depressed and discouraged over all the
hate and vehemence I see in people towards their fellow man. Sadly it is not
just politicians, it is family, friends, and neighbors. I am a very optimistic
person, and I pride myself on typically looking for the silver lining in every
cloud. After all that is what you would expect from a hippie
right. (Grin) However I was finding it
very difficult to locate that silver lining.
I then reminded myself, and it is my wish for others also to
remember - the sooner we develop compassion on this journey called life, the
better. Compassion lets us appreciate that each individual is doing what he or
she must do, and that there is no reason to judge another person or oneself.
You simply muddle through life doing what you can to further your own
awakening. I have decided all this anger must stem from the feeling that we
have no control over things and fear. Fear
of the unknown and others who are and think differently than us. Fear is the
glue that keeps us stuck. I then had an ah ha moment and remembered that Faith is the solvent that sets you free
(hippie moment again).
I received some news recently that put everything into
perspective. As I sat silently crying, I reminded myself that the course we are
on is not guided by us, we are merely along for the ride. And then the voices
in my head started nudging me (What, you don’t have voices in your head?) with my
favorite quote from Gandhi, “Be the CHANGE
you want to see in the world. “
How can I, one mere person, affect change when the hate and vitriol being
spewed out is so strong? I bet the first thing that popped into your head was
NO, there is nothing you can do. Well I think you’re probably wrong! Not only can I (and you) make a difference, I believe I
have (and you) most likely had a greater impact on more people than even I (we) realize.
That’s not my ego talking, (well maybe a tad, Grin) but its what the experts tell us. They say that when just one person influences a few others, there are two major effects:
A ripple effect that, over time, can actually
impact thousands over generations.
A broadening effect since one person influences
many, like multiplying tree branches
So I decided they must be right as after all they are the infamous
“THEY,” and so I thought about all the people we could have had an impact on in our lives. Employees, coworkers, bosses, suppliers, customers, family, friends,
kids and most importantly grandchildren. Geez, that could really be lots and
lots of people. Wow and they are really a small part of the equation….Shazamm,
we could have influenced dozens of others without even realizing it. Scary and
amazing? I guess we really have no idea how many people we can influence and
help just by sharing our experiences and insights. And I realized that it's a
far more generous thing than any material gift we could ever give
The experts (they) tell us that we all really live to serve. I am not
so sure about that (I can name a few people this might not apply to, Grin), but
I do know that feeling I get when I help others, and to whom I may have made a small difference.
I acquire a calm sense of fulfillment, and a sense of purpose with a renewed
surge of energy. I reason that we are
all gifted with a unique set of skills and abilities and with these abilities
we can make extraordinary things happen in the world around us, or not. The or
not (reality check) is because it is
completely up to the individual person whether they want their life to make a
difference and what difference they want their life to make. I know, I know,
you are thinking like I did what can I possibly do? I have found that listening
to other people’s problems, (and here is the key I discovered the hard way) without passing judgement is one of the
kindest things you can do. Most of us already know the answers to the problems
we are facing, we just haven’t realized it yet. By allowing them to vent, we
allow the person to find their own path and acknowledge and recognize what they
must do. Sometimes all that they need is a little encouragement to start on
this new path, which is something you and I, believe it or not, usually always give.
I guess what I am trying to say, perhaps not all that
well, (Grin) is that it is better to focus on the things we can control in our
world, like perhaps, changing the life of another person no matter how small
the act. I think you will find that it gives you an incredible feeling and it
is completely within your grasp. In
truth, I believe we might all be here to help each other, we could all just be
a part of a machine that fosters cooperation, or we’re not (again the hippie in
me). Or (cynicism) we might just be here
to make the best of the situation for ourselves. I truly believe that helping
others, with thoughts and deeds, brings happiness and prosperity into our own
lives, so for whatever reason you chose to help others, it will always help you
in return.
Will this really make a difference in the world? I have no crystal ball, but my bet is it will
help you find a little internal peace during these very stressful times. The law of
karma says that whatever you do you will get back three fold, helping others is
therefore a selfish act, but still a good act, one that you should do without
fear, with love and with the knowledge that you will one day be rewarded. “We
all want to change the world.” The Beatles (Revolution)
I thank you again for taking this retirement journey with me, or as I
refer to it, “my longest coffee break."
I'm just sayin’…

Here is one of my favorite songs by Peter Paul and
Mary, I think it is still profoundly accurate today.
Day Is Done
Tell me why
you're crying, my son
I know you're frightened, like everyone
Is it the thunder in the distance you fear?
Will it help if I stay very near?
I am here.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Day is done, Day is done
Do you ask why I'm sighing, my son?
You shall inherit what mankind has done.
In a world filled with sorrow and woe
If you ask me why this is so, I really don't know.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Day is done, Day is done
Tell me why you're smiling my son
Is there a secret you can tell everyone?
Do you know more than men that are wise?
Can you see what we all must disguise
through your loving eyes?
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Day is done, Day is done
I know you're frightened, like everyone
Is it the thunder in the distance you fear?
Will it help if I stay very near?
I am here.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Day is done, Day is done
Do you ask why I'm sighing, my son?
You shall inherit what mankind has done.
In a world filled with sorrow and woe
If you ask me why this is so, I really don't know.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Tell me why you're smiling my son
Is there a secret you can tell everyone?
Do you know more than men that are wise?
Can you see what we all must disguise
through your loving eyes?
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
And if you take my hand my son
All will be well when the day is done.
Day is done, Day is done
Day is done, Day is done
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